Proceedings Rules


  • The deadline for abstract submission is November 1, 2024.
  • The content of the abstract should be in accordance with the purpose and concept/framework of the congress.
  • The paper should be an original work that contributes to science.
  • The text of the abstract should adequately reflect the purpose, subject, scope, findings and results of the paper. The title should not be too long (if it is an applied research, the methods and findings should also be included in the abstract).
  • The abstract should be between 200 and 250 words and should not contain paragraphs.
  • It should be in Times New Roman 10 font size and justified.
  • References should not be used in the abstract.
  • There should be at least 3 and at most 5 keywords. Keywords should be written in alphabetical order in Times New Roman 10 font size, italicized and with commas between them. Only the first letters of the keywords should be capitalized (EX: Occupational Health, Occupational Safety)
  • Turkish articles should include an abstract in English.
  • The abstract and full text of the paper must be compatible.


  • Manuscripts should be written in “Times New Roman” 10 pt and single spaced. It should be 10 pt and 1 line spacing.
  • For page layout, 2.5 cm margins should be left from all edges and each page should be numbered.
  • The text should be written in a single column.
  • Introduction, Materials and Methods, Research Findings, Discussion and Conclusion, References, Acknowledgments, Conflict of Interest sections should be written in order.
  • There should be 2 lines of space before the main headings and 1 line after.
  • New paragraphs should start left justified and the main text should be written justified.
  • Table titles should appear above the table and figure captions should appear below the figure.
  • Both table and figure objects and titles should be centered. The font size in tables and figures should be 10pt in normal cases and 8pt when small font is required.
  • The American Psychological Association (APA) Guidelines (version 7.0) should be taken into account in the preparation of the texts.
  • The deadline for abstract submission is November 11, 2024.


  • Oral presentations will be made in Turkish.
  • Oral presentation time is 10 minutes.

Click Here to Review OHS Symposium Proceedings Full Text Template

Click Here for OHS Symposium Abstract Template